Are you looking for an emergency dentist but you have no insurance? If you can’t afford a trip to the dentist, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Over the past half century, the cost of dental care has consistently risen by nearly twice the average rate of inflation. The HRSA estimates that roughly 108 million Americans lack dental insurance. You may have found yourself wondering if there is any way to obtain free dental care for you and your family. It’s especially important to have your children seen by a dentist. Tooth decay is the most chronic illness among children; even four times as common as asthma. While finding free dental care isn’t necessarily an easy task, it is possible if you know where to look.
Dental Providers who Offer Financing
Look carefully for a dentist near you who offers to finance the dental work themselves. This could be an option for you. Also if you have decent credit, many dentists offer Care Credit, which is a loan provider specifically for medical and dental services. Because this kind of financing is specifically for medical emergencies, the process is very quick. If you have a serious dental emergency then you are probably going to need more than just a small filling. If you have solid credit then you can get a professional to do the work for on an immediate basis. The Care Credit website has a Doctor Locator which can select dentists.
Locating Free Dental Care Providers
A great place to begin looking for free dental care is with any dental schools in your area. Dental schools have clinics that allow students to gain experience by treating patients for free. There’s no reason to be wary of being treated by a student. They are closely supervised by experienced, licensed dentists. While their treatment is typically restricted to preventive care, such as exams and cleanings, dental hygiene schools are another great option. Check out the American Dental Association for a full list of dental schools in your area and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association for a list of dental hygiene schools. It is important to note that, while you can certainly receive affordable dental care at these school, not all of them offer free dental care. Make sure you conduct thorough research.
There are several government organizations that help individuals that are uninsured, or have low income, receive needed medical attention. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the main resource for uninsured citizens and people that are at risk of developing health to get assistance. The HRSA has a list of low cost and free dental care providers in your area that you may be eligible to use. You can also get in contact with your local or state health department and receive information on programs that are available to you. Children’s Health Insurance Program is available to children up to age 19. There is no limited enrollment period, so if you qualify, your coverage can begin immediately. While coverage varies from state to state, in most cases dental services are provided to children that qualify.
There are also charitable and nonprofit organizations that provide free dental care to those in need. Events are hosted by Dentistry From the Heart where dentists donate their equipment and services to those that can’t afford dental treatment. If you reside in Texas, Arizona, Pennsylvania or Maryland, Mission of Mercy is another nonprofit organization that can provide you with free dental care. Donated Dental Services is a great program that provides treatment to elderly, disabled and medically fragile citizens. They have aided more than 120,000 people and donated over $250 million in dental services since 1985. You can also search and for dental clinics in your area that offer treatment free of charge.
Lastly, while some people may be opposed to the idea, clinical trials are another option. Specific dental conditions and treatment methods are often researched by organizations and universities. Clinical trials are often utilized to test the effectiveness of new treatment drugs and volunteers are required to evaluate these drugs. You can opt to volunteer for a medical study in exchange for free dental care, such as a tooth removal or basic cleaning. A list of clinical studies in your area can be found through The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Keep in mind that the care you receive is largely dependant on the field being studied. Be sure that the clinical trial you sign up for is going to provide the type of treatment you need.
Free Dental Care Is Available
Oral health is of utmost importance and everybody should have access to a dental professional. Although it may take some time to find a service that you qualify for, there are several options for you and your family to receive free dental care. Also keep in mind that sometimes the quickest and easiest option is to ask a friend or family member for a recommendation. More Important Articles
I’m 71 years old, have kidney failure, heart problems, and my remaining ten teeth are inflamed, cracking apart, gum disease, pain. I live alone, no car, no family or friends and trying to live on one thousand dollars a month. No one will help me with my serious and deadly dental problems. I fear that suicide is the only way out.
I am so sorry to hear of your tragic circumstances. Please do not give up hope. When you can, go onto the internet and search. Check the links in this article. Talk to people. There are people out there who will help you. You can also call the suicide prevention line 1-800-273-8255, they may have ideas for you.
Suicide is never a option! I too am in the same situation, disabled in chronic pain and have to have a tooth pulled. No insurance. No money! You are not in control of your death. We all have a purpose in this world and a time that God gives us here on this earth. It is a privilege to be here serving Him. If you take that out of His hands, you are stating you have no faith in Him or hope. He cares for you and is only a prayer away. Try calling out to Him and ask Him to interven in your situation. Let Him show you He cares and has a answer for you. God numbers the hairs on your head and collects the tears that falls from your eyes. I don’t know where you live, but try going to a large church and ask for help. There are many that will. They have funds that are designated for the poor and needy. Don’t give in to Satan, it’s him that is causing you to feel there’s no hope. Let’s pray for one another and believe, watch and see the love of the Lord come through for us.